This is something that has taken a long time to get to Portugal and that still surprises me each time I'm confronted with it, even if I was born and grew up in a multicultural environment. And I say it surprises me, not because of any xenophobic reason, but because I'm still amazed that this is finally happening here in our backyard and we can finally say we are a country of the world.
Yesterday I had to do some last minute shopping and went to a supermarket just across the street from my house. And there it was...
He was someone from Eastern Europe, speaking in that very rough, deep Portuguese of someone that intensifies vowels, she was Brazilian, speaking in that melodious, soft, tropical Portuguese. They were a couple. They were happy for all I could see. And from the supermarket they were going to a convenience Chinese shop.
Well, I call this multiculturalism knocking at our door. I'm still amazed!
Yesterday I had to do some last minute shopping and went to a supermarket just across the street from my house. And there it was...
He was someone from Eastern Europe, speaking in that very rough, deep Portuguese of someone that intensifies vowels, she was Brazilian, speaking in that melodious, soft, tropical Portuguese. They were a couple. They were happy for all I could see. And from the supermarket they were going to a convenience Chinese shop.
Well, I call this multiculturalism knocking at our door. I'm still amazed!
9 comentários:
olá, ainda bem que gostaste de 1 post meu...
mas tens mais para veres, se quiseres...
Miss, didn't multiculturalism start on your side of the street?
Afterall, a Blonde that is a mix ...
Portanto, um país saudável.
-Um país com uma História secular de multiculturalismo, os primeiros a comercializar com o Japão, a China, desde sempre vivemos sem problemas com outros povos e tradições. Até o nosso ditador tacanho dizia que eramos uma nação do minho a Timor.
Can someone tell these folks to start speaking languages any christian can understand?
Nada de mais... apenas a miséria que a globalização vai distribuindo pelo mundo. Somos apenas exilados.
Olha que romantico ;)
Ó meu people (Quinn and Carol in particular),
Mas vocês andam bons da tola? Eu, por ventura, falei ein "Scheissspiel" aqui neste cantinho, hein?! O que é que o "verdammtes Scheissspiel" tem a ver com este post, hein?! Não se aprumem não!!
o interessante é que esse pessoal do leste nunca lhe passou pela cabeça viver com alguém «doutra raça». Por isso é que há esses problemas todos de bósnios e sérvios e afegãos e turcos e árabes e arianos e etc. para não falar em judeus é claro.
portanto, temos aqui um multiculturalismo especial - não é apenas a existência de pessoas de diferentes origens que partilham apenas o espaço físico, mas a sua verdadeira coexistência.
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