I had to come and write in on the blog!
Yeah, yeah, the intro was taken from an interstelar hit by Michael Bolton (hey, who are you to judge me for liking the man now that he has a nice hair cut?). Music aside, I've been on an abstinence of news for the last month or so and suddenly ("life has new meaning to me" - this is Lionel Richie, ooch it's getting worse!) BANG! I turned in to a news channel at eightish in the evening and there it was this colossal news.
Some smart a... had the amasing idea that cars should have a coloured label indicating that their drivers were: a) red meaning dangerous, b) orange meaning kinda-sorta public menaces or c) green meaning Sunday drivers behaving like choir boys and girls with not a bump in their vehicles. And the smart a... jack said this was "positive discrimination", end of quote.
Just lovely! I guess this is, first and foremost, a question of bad grammar. I mean, you have an adjective plus a noun, right? Now, adjectives qualify nouns, correct? And are meaningless without them, yes? So, if you say "positive", some curious guy's gonna ask: "Positive what"? And you have to answer: "Discrimination"! Get it? It's always... exactly: discrimination. It doesn't work in the USA, how would it work here on the other side of the Atlantic pond?
Second, where would that idea leave me? I was hit once by a tractor in reverse gear at the ultrasonic speed of 3km/h. And the whole ghastly incident, for which I was absolutely guiltless, traumatised the poor tractor driver, who was left crying his lungs out that I should have moved aside (sure, as if I had had the time!). Would I have to carry a red label because I frighten the hell out of tractor drivers? Orange because I'm somewhere in between of turning to be a traffic hazard? Green? And how about yellow? Bimbo blond driving, make way!
Oh, well, thank the Lord for small mercies that this whole ridiculous idea is going nowhere. Allelujah!
5 comentários:
I guess for you it would be blond... then I would pass by you and scream: Blondie!!!!
Dear Quintarantino,
It's always a change from: "Hey Russinha!" :D
Dear Bluegift (what lovely name!),
My feelings exactly! What would be of the world without yellow? :D
I'll stick to blondie... if you don´t mind... one can always put "Heart og Glass" playing...
It's always a classic;-)
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