Por razões estritamente profissionais, e sob intenso protesto, facebookei-me há coisa de quinze dias. Hoje tinha esta mensagem:
i was your student during my erasmus stay in lisbon couple of years back. i certainly do not expect you'd remember me any particulary, so purpose of this entire message remains rather simple: i'd like to let you know that you were one of the most favorite professor i had the privilege to meet (and not only during my time in portugal). i'm using this rather post-personal medium because i wasted my only chance to express this directly in person. maybe i do not really need to know this and maybe i really do not know why i do so (so late), but what i know how important it is to know that even one person can have positive impact on complete strangers.
Afinal, nem tudo é mau no infame Facebook...
4 comentários:
Às vezes surpreendem-nos, sim...
Bom fds
Lindíssimo. Parabéns! :)
Lindíssimo. Parabéns! :)
Como na vida real, o virtual tem um pouco de tudo e essa história é bem simpática.
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